NitroZyme contains powerful natural growth enhancers, exotic micro-nutrients and bio-stimulants. The high concentration of these biological agents stimulates the growth processes of the your favourite plants, with specific advantage to its current stage of growth.
The effect of using Nitrozyme is that plants are generally more vigorous and will develop more nodes, shoots and potential flowering sites. Nitrozyme is a pure organic growth enhancer:
Nitrozyme is highly concentrated and made from natural sources. It is non-toxic and pose no environmental hazards. Nitrozyme has many uses for the serious grower and used correctly it can help produce healthier more vigorous plants and higher yields. Nitrozyme restores and enhances the interaction between soil and roots, increasing vigour and improves crop performance.
How to use Nitrozyme:
Nitrozyme can be used with all growing mediums and techniques. Use Nitrozyme on your rooted cuttings, seedlings, immature plants and throughout the vegetative phase of plant growth.
Foliar Feeding : Add 5ml of nitrozyme to 1 litre of spray and spray on to your plants with the lights off. Repeat spraying every 7 to 10 days.
Alternatively Nitrozyme can be added to your nutrient mix at a rate of 5ml per 10L for hydroponics and 10ml to 20ml per 10L for soil growing.
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