Growth Technology Orchid Focus 38ml Drip Feeders



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Orchids have a notorious reputation of being really difficult to care for, truth be told, it isn’t difficult. It’s just a little different to traditional house plants and flowers. Orchids are epiphytes which means that they do not grow in dirt but rather by hanging on to the bark of trees. So over smothering Orchids is not an option!

Save your orchid from being over fed with the Growth Technology Orchid Focus Drip Feeder. Take the guesswork out of feeding. The Orchid drip feeders have a 38ml volume of all the nutrients your orchids need to  provide healthy growth and abundant, prolonged flowering.

Liquid formulated in the UK based on the best-selling Orchid Focus.

Check out our blog with our tips & tricks to ensuring your beautiful orchids stay healthy & bloom for longer.

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